登入路徑 Login Path |
讀者類型 User Type |
帳號 Account ID |
預設密碼 Default Password |
中大入口 NCU Portal |
中大教職員生及兼任教師 NCU Student, Faculty, & Part-time teachers |
請於Portal登入中大帳號及密碼 Login Portal with NCU ID and Password |
忘記密碼 Forgot Password |
圖書館讀者(無中大Portal)登入 Login without NCU Portal Account |
中大校友證(已繳保證金) NCU Alumni (deposit paid) |
校友證上的學號 Student ID on Alumni Card |
身分證、居留證或護照號末4碼+出生月日4碼 The last 4 digits of the ROC ID or ARC or Passport number , and the four-digit birthdate number |
中大教職員眷屬 Dependents of Faculty 中大壢中教職員 NCU CLHS Staff 中大退休人員 NCU Retired Employee 中大志工 NCU Volunteer 中大之友 Friends of NCU 圖書館之友 Friends of NCU Library 臨時借書證(已繳保證金) Temporary NCU Library Card (deposit paid) |
『簽署啟用』通知信提供的帳號。 Login with the account ID as provided in the activation notification letter. 如身分證號為 A234567890 ,證號去第 2、3、10 碼後加 A ,則帳號為 A456789A。 For example, if your ID number is A234567890, then your account ID is A456789A. |
訪問學者及學生 Visiting Professor & Student 語言中心學生 Language Center Student |
國際處、語言中心的編號 The account ID is the same as the OIA number or Language Center number. |
同證件條碼號 The default password is the same as barcode number. |
館際合作借書證(館合證) Interlibrary Loan Card(ILL card) |
館合證號 ILL Card number |
A. 設定長度為8至20個字元的字串。
B. 須包含下列三種字元:
1. 英文大寫或小寫字元 (A 到 Z或a 到 z)。
2. 10 進位數字 (0 到 9)。
3. 特殊字元 (例如: !、@、#、$、%)。
C. 新密碼不可與前 3 次設定之密碼相同,效期1至180天,修改後24小時內不得再修改。
※登入錯誤次數達 5 次,系統將鎖定 15 分鐘。
※登入問題請洽借還書櫃台,電洽:(03)4227151分機57417,或寄信至 cirlib@ncu.edu.tw 。
※Password setting instructions:
A. Set the length of the string from 8 to 20 characters.
B. Must contain the following three characters:
1. English uppercase or lowercase characters (A to Z or a to z).
2. Decimal digit (0 to 9).
3. Special characters (for example: !, @, #, $, %).
C. The new password cannot be the same as the password set three times before. It is valid for 1 to 180 days. After the password is changed, it cannot be changed again within 24 hours.
※If the number of login errors reaches 5 times, the system will be locked for 15 minutes.
※To protect your personal information safety, please update and save your password after signing.
※If you have any further questions, please contact us at 03-4227151#57417 or via email at cirlib@ncu.edu.tw .